Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Let's talk about: the SAG nominations!

I had trouble sleeping last night and I didn't know why.  In retrospect, I realize it was because I knew these nominations were being announced and I was terribly worried that all my favourite people would be nomination-less.  Oh, how right I was. 

There is a distinct lack of Gary Oldman, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, and Elizabeth Olsen on the list, and all of them have given great performances this year.  There are also the most random of presences of Brad Pitt, Armie Hammer, and Jonah Hill on the list.  Yes, they were better than expected.  Yes, they exceeded expectations.  But unless the award category is for "Most Improved Actor", they should not be anywhere near any list this year. 

I don't watch enough television to comment with any kind of knowledge of the TV nominations (I'm barely halfway through "The Borgias", only seen the pilot of "American Horror Story", and I've watched a total of 3 episode of "30 Rock") but here are some things I do know:  Steve Carrell was brilliant on The Office,  Jim Parsons is brilliant on The Big Bang Theory, and Malcolm's dad is brilliant on Breaking Bad.  Two of these guys received their much-deserved nominations, but what about my precious baby angel Jim Parsons?  Sometimes he's the only reason I have to even turn on my TV.

I'm very interested to see how the Golden Globes and Academy Award nominations turn out, but I can't say I'm particularly excited.  I'd really, really, really love to be surprised in the coming months, though.  I truly want to be excited about something this awards season.  Please, please, please.

PS.  "Drive" was one of the best movies of the year and I don't even care if it doesn't get any recognition because, like, it was just that good.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Let's talk about: bad singing!

Meet Tony Award winning actor John Gallagher Jr., who goes by Johnny Gallagher when he's singer-songwriter.  Listen to him sing one of my favourite songs of his, "Pedestrian":

Meet me, who can't sing, but decided to talk lessons and overcome fears and grow as a human being.

So that it where I started, and we'll see where I'll end up at the end of December.  Hopefully somewhere far, far better. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011